Shady Deals between Device Makers and Hospitals ... Damages are on Patients
2019년 01월 31일 13시 37분
Korea Center for Investigative Journalism(KCIJ)-Newstapa has investigated the problems of medical device industry as part of the cross-border investigation project with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists(ICIJ) and its 58 member news organizations from 36 countries.
The collaborative project ‘Implant Files’ unveiled various issues from device makers’ poor recall policies to the collusion between regulators, industry and hospitals.
Korean patients and their family commonly pointed out that they have never been informed of the device name and possible adverse events that may happen in the future. The device regulator Ministry of Food, Drug and Safety offers only limited amount of information on its public database, while its U.S. and Japanese counterparts disclose a lot more than Korean regulator does.
This piece addresses the lack of Korean patients’ and public access to general information about medical implants, as well as defect and recall information.
Reporting by Yeon Da-hye, Kim Yongjin, Kim Sung-soo, Hong Woo-ram, Kim Jiyoon, Lim Boyoung
Video Reporting by Kim Ki-chul, Jeong Hyung-min, Choi Hyung-seok, Shin Youngchul, Oh Jun-sik
Video Editing by Park Seo-young
CG by Jung Dong-woo
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