표절논문으로 교수채용 수두룩
2014년 08월 19일 23시 55분
2018년 07월 20일 21시 01분
해적 학술단체 ‘와셋(WASET: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology)’이 운영하는 가짜 학술지에 투고하거나, 가짜 학술대회에 참가한 한국인 학자들은 어느 기관 소속의 누구이며, 횟수는 얼마나 될까. 또 그 논문은 어떤 내용일까?
뉴스타파 데이터팀은 뉴스타파 등 세계 23개 언론사가 참여한 국제 협업 프로젝트를 위해 와셋 웹사이트 데이터를 전부 긁어 분석했다. 그 결과 2007년부터 지난 6월 말까지 총 4천 227명(연 인원)의 학자가 와셋에 논문이나 발표용 초록을 게재한 것으로 나타났다.
뉴스타파는 와셋 투고 한국인 학자 분석 데이터를 토대로 상위 10대 기관을 추려내 각 대학 별로 와셋에 10건 이상 논문이나 발표용 초록이 게재된 학자, 또는 각 대학 별로 와셋 게재 건수가 상위 3위 이상의 학자들을 대상으로 그들의 논문, 초록을 공개한다.
와셋의 학술대회에 투고하는 학자들은 ‘초록 제출(Abstract Submission)’과 ‘완성 논문 제출(Full-Text Paper Submission)’ 중 하나를 선택하게 된다. 초록 제출을 선택한 학자들은 연구를 영단어 100개 분량으로 요약한 글을 제출하면 된다. 완성 논문 제출을 선택한 학자들은 초록, 연구 결과, 표, 그림, 참고문헌 등을 와셋이 제시한 형식에 맞춰 작성을 해 제출하면 된다. 와셋의 학술대회 소개 웹페이지에 따르면, “동료 평가 과정과 학술대회 발표 단계에서 선정이 된” 일부 완성 논문들은 와셋이 출판하는 온라인 학술지에 “무료로” 게재한다고 돼 있다. 이 단계에서 선정된 논문은 저자의 동의 하에 각기 다른 출판물인 학술대회 회보(proceedings)와 온라인 정기 간행물(periodical)에 게재된다. 와셋은 웹사이트에 해당 논문의 학술대회 발표용 초록(Abstract)과 온라인 정기 간행물(periodical)에 실린 완성 논문을 별도로 아카이빙한다. 즉 두 개의 다른 간행물에 초록과 완성 논문이 각각 게재되고 출처 표기명도 달라진다. 뉴스타파 데이터팀은 각 학자의 와셋 투고 횟수를 수집할 때 동일한 제목임에도 초록과 완성 논문이 별도의 출처 표기명을 갖는 경우 2건으로 집계했다. 다만 이런 경우 발표용 초록의 제목 옆에는 ‘초록’, 정기 간행물 논문의 제목 옆에는 ‘게재 논문’이라는 표시를 병기해 구분이 가능하도록 했다. |
게재 건수가 많은 10대 기관을 보면 서울대 100건, 성균관대 98건, 연세대 87건, 강릉원주대81건, 경북대 67건, 전북대 60건, 한양대 56건, 세종대 53건, 부산대 51건, 고려대 49건 등이다.
다음은 상위 10대 기관 별 주요 학자와 그들의 발표용 초록 및 완성 논문 목록이다. 링크를 클릭하면 논문 내용을 볼 수 있다.
서울대학교에서는 고승영 건설환경공학부 교수가 13건, 같은 학부 김동규 교수가 11건, 이종민 화학생물공학부 교수가 7건을 와셋에 게재했다.
고승영 교수(건설환경공학부): 13건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 9건) 논문목록 펼치기
A Study of Mode Choice Model Improvement Considering Age Grouping (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Study of Mode Choice Model Improvement Considering Age Grouping (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Latent Factors of Severity in Truck-Involved and Non-Truck-Involved Crashes on Freeways (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Latent Factors of Severity in Truck-Involved and Non-Truck-Involved Crashes on Freeways (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Quantifying Freeway Capacity Reductions by Rainfall Intensities Based on Stochastic Nature of Flow Breakdown (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Quantifying Freeway Capacity Reductions by Rainfall Intensities Based on Stochastic Nature of Flow Breakdown (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Estimating Destinations of Bus Passengers Using Smart Card Data (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Missing Link Data Estimation with Recurrent Neural Network: An Application Using Speed Data of Daegu Metropolitan Area (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Missing Link Data Estimation with Recurrent Neural Network: An Application Using Speed Data of Daegu Metropolitan Area (2018) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Predicting Seoul Bus Ridership Using Artificial Neural Network Algorithm with Smartcard Data (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Relationship between Driving under the Influence and Traffic Safety (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Using Open Source Data and GIS Techniques to Overcome Data Deficiency and Accuracy Issues in the Construction and Validation of Transportation Network: Case of Kinshasa City (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Visualization of the Mobility Patterns of Public Bike Sharing System in Seoul (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
김동규 교수(건설환경공학부): 11건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 7건) 논문목록 펼치기
A Study of Mode Choice Model Improvement Considering Age Grouping (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Study of Mode Choice Model Improvement Considering Age Grouping (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Latent Factors of Severity in Truck-Involved and Non-Truck-Involved Crashes on Freeways (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Latent Factors of Severity in Truck-Involved and Non-Truck-Involved Crashes on Freeways (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Quantifying Freeway Capacity Reductions by Rainfall Intensities Based on Stochastic Nature of Flow Breakdown (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Quantifying Freeway Capacity Reductions by Rainfall Intensities Based on Stochastic Nature of Flow Breakdown (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Study on Bicycle Riding Behavior on Bike-Only Road (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Estimation of Traffic Information of Missing Links in Urban Arterials Using Bayesian Network (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Missing Link Data Estimation with Recurrent Neural Network: An Application Using Speed Data of Daegu Metropolitan Area (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Missing Link Data Estimation with Recurrent Neural Network: An Application Using Speed Data of Daegu Metropolitan Area (2018) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Modeling Activity Pattern Using XGBoost for Mining Smart Card Data (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
이종민 교수(화학생물공학부): 7건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 6건) 논문목록 펼치기
Integrated Simulation and Optimization for Carbon Capture and Storage System (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Fault Detection of Pipeline in Water Distribution Network System (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Identifying Model to Predict Deterioration of Water Mains Using Robust Analysis (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Modeling and Simulation of Fluid Catalytic Cracking Process (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Optimal Maintenance and Improvement Policies in Water Distribution System: Markov Decision Process Approach (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Optimal Maintenance and Improvement Policies in Water Distribution System: Markov Decision Process Approach (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Simulation of a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Process (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
성균관대에서는 총 6명의 교수와 2명의 대학원생이 와셋에 10건 이상의 논문 또는 초록을 냈다. 윤석호 전자전기공학과 교수는 16건, 같은 과 김종태 교수는 14건을 게재한 것으로 나왔다. 미래도시융합공학과의 박선규, 김성아, 박승희(현 학과장) 교수는 각각 15건이다. 이어서 박종호 건설환경공학부 대학원생 13건, 홍성남 공과대학 BK21 연구교수 12건, 최진웅 건설환경공학부 대학원생 10건 순이다.
윤석호 교수(전자전기공학과): 16건 논문목록 펼치기
A Novel Estimation Method for Integer Frequency Offset in Wireless OFDM Systems (2009) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Bit-Error-Rate Performance Analysis of an Overlap-based CSS System (2009) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Novel Schemes of Pilot-Aided Integer Frequency Offset Estimation for OFDM-Based DVB-T Systems (2009) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
The Performance Analysis of CSS-based Communication Systems in the Jamming Environment (2009) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Novel Spectrum Sensing Scheme Based on Periodicity of DVB-T Pilot Signals (2010) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Fast Code Acquisition Scheme for O-CDMA Systems (2012) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Side-Peak Cancellation Scheme for CBOC Code Acquisition (2012) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Novel Frequency Offset Estimation Scheme for OFDM Systems (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Distance Estimation for Radar Systems Using DS-UWB Signals (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Spectrum Sensing Based On the Cyclostationarity of PU Signals in High Traffic Environments (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Cooperative Space-Time Transmission Scheme Based On Symbol Combinations (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Frequency Offset Estimation Schemes Based On ML for OFDM Systems in Non-Gaussian Noise Environments (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
ML-Based Blind Frequency Offset Estimation Schemes for OFDM Systems in Non-Gaussian Noise Environments (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A New IFO Estimation Scheme for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Systems (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Rapid Code Acquisition Scheme in OOC-Based CDMA Systems (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Robust Frequency Offset Estimator for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
박선규 교수(미래도시융합공합과): 15건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 10건) 논문목록 펼치기
Experimental Study of Specific Cross Beam Types Appropriate for Modular Bridges (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Analytical Study on the Shape of T-type Girder Modular Bridge Connection by Using Parameter (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Analytical Study on the Shape of T-Type Girder Modular Bridge Connection by Using Parametric (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Suggestion of Reasonable Analysis Model for T-Girder Modular Bridge (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
CO2 Emissions Quantification of the Modular Bridge Superstructure (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Study of Deflection at Junction in the Precast on Cyclic Loading (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Bond Strength between Concrete and AR-Glass Roving with Variables of Development Length (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Bond Strength between Concrete and AR-Glass Roving with Variables of Development Length (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Strength of Fine Concrete Used in Textile Reinforced Concrete by Changing Water-Binder Ratio (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Strength of Fine Concrete Used in Textile Reinforced Concrete by Changing Water-Binder Ratio (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Adhesion Performance According to Lateral Reinforcement Method of Textile (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Adhesion Performance According to Lateral Reinforcement Method of Textile (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Flexural Strength of Alkali Resistant Glass Textile Reinforced Concrete Beam with Prestressing (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Flexural Strength of Alkali Resistant Glass Textile Reinforced Concrete Beam with Prestressing (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Pullout Strength of Textile Reinforcement in Concrete by Embedded Length and Concrete Strength (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
김성아 교수(미래도시융합공합과): 15건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 9건) 논문목록 펼치기
A Biomimetic Approach for the Multi-Objective Optimization of Kinetic Façade Design (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Biomimetic Approach for the Multi-Objective Optimization of Kinetic Façade Design (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Study on Performance Prediction in Early Design Stage of Apartment Housing Using Machine Learning (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Study on Performance Prediction in Early Design Stage of Apartment Housing Using Machine Learning (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Study on the Correlation Analysis between the Pre-Sale Competition Rate and the Apartment Unit Plan Factor through Machine Learning (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Forthcoming Big Data on Smart Buildings and Cities: An Experimental Study on Correlations among Urban Data (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Integration of Big Data to Predict Transportation for Smart Cities (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Integration of Big Data to Predict Transportation for Smart Cities (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Kinetic Façade Design Using 3D Scanning to Convert Physical Models into Digital Models (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Kinetic Façade Design Using 3D Scanning to Convert Physical Models into Digital Models (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Multi-Factor Optimization Method through Machine Learning in Building Envelope Design: Focusing on Perforated Metal Façade (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Multi-Factor Optimization Method through Machine Learning in Building Envelope Design: Focusing on Perforated Metal Façade (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
The Methodology of Hand-Gesture Based Form Design in Digital Modeling (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Urban Big Data: An Experimental Approach to Building-Value Estimation Using Web-Based Data (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Urban Big Data: An Experimental Approach to Building-Value Estimation Using Web-Based Data (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
박승희 교수(미래도시융합공합과): 15건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 14건) 논문목록 펼치기
Compressive Strength Evaluation of Underwater Concrete Structures Integrating the Combination of Rebound Hardness and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Methods with Artificial Neural Networks (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Compressive Strength Evaluation of Underwater Concrete Structures Integrating the Combination of Rebound Hardness and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Methods with Artificial Neural Networks (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Real-Time Compressive Strength Monitoring for NPP Concrete Construction Using an Embedded Piezoelectric Self-Sensing Technique (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Bridge Members Segmentation Algorithm of Terrestrial Laser Scanner Point Clouds Using Fuzzy Clustering Method (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Shape Management Method for Safety Evaluation of Bridge Based on Terrestrial Laser Scanning Using Least Squares (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Axle Load Estimation of Moving Vehicles Using BWIM Technique (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Improvement of Brige Weigh-In-Motion Technique Considering the Driving Conditions of Vehicles (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Cable Damage Detection Using an MFL Technique (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Shape Management Method of Large Structure Based on Octree Space Partitioning (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Simulation and Experimental Study on Tensile Force Measurement of PS Tendons Using an Embedded EM Sensor (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Tensile Force Estimation for Real-Size Pre-Stressed Concrete Girder using Embedded Elasto-Magnetic Sensor (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Visualization of Corrosion at Plate-Like Structures Based on Ultrasonic Wave Propagation Images (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Artificial Neural Network-Based Bridge Weigh-In-Motion Technique Considering Environmental Conditions (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Development of a Shape Based Estimation Technology Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Proposal of Non-Destructive Inspection Function Based on Internet of Things Technology Using Drone (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
김종태 교수(전자전기공학과): 14건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 8건) 논문목록 펼치기
Performance Analysis of Adaptive LMS Filter through Regression Analysis using SystemC (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
UML Model for Double-Loop Control Self-Adaptive Braking System (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
UML Model for Double-Loop Control Self-Adaptive Braking System (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Case Study of Limited Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling in Low-Power Processors (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Case Study of Limited Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling in Low-Power Processors (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Exploring SSD Suitable Allocation Schemes Incompliance with Workload Patterns (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Exploring SSD Suitable Allocation Schemes Incompliance with Workload Patterns (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Investigating Activity Recognition Using 9-Axis Sensors and Filters in Wearable Devices (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Investigating Activity Recognition Using 9-Axis Sensors and Filters in Wearable Devices (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Effects of Incident Angle and Distance on Visible Light Communication (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Effects of Incident Angle and Distance on Visible Light Communication (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Single Event Transient Tolerance Analysis in 8051 Microprocessor Using Scan Chain (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Single Event Transient Tolerance Analysis in 8051 Microprocessor Using Scan Chain (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Iterative Panel RC Extraction for Capacitive Touchscreen (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
박종호 대학원생(건설환경공학부): 13건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 8건) 논문목록 펼치기
Analytical Study on the Shape of T-Type Girder Modular Bridge Connection by Using Parametric (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Analytical Study on the Shape of T-type Girder Modular Bridge Connection by Using Parameter (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
CO2 Emissions Quantification of the Modular Bridge Superstructure (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Study of Deflection at Junction in the Precast on Cyclic Loading (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Bond Strength between Concrete and AR-Glass Roving with Variables of Development Length (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Bond Strength between Concrete and AR-Glass Roving with Variables of Development Length (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Strength of Fine Concrete Used in Textile Reinforced Concrete by Changing Water-Binder Ratio (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Strength of Fine Concrete Used in Textile Reinforced Concrete by Changing Water-Binder Ratio (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Adhesion Performance According to Lateral Reinforcement Method of Textile (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Adhesion Performance According to Lateral Reinforcement Method of Textile (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Flexural Strength of Alkali Resistant Glass Textile Reinforced Concrete Beam with Prestressing (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Flexural Strength of Alkali Resistant Glass Textile Reinforced Concrete Beam with Prestressing (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Pullout Strength of Textile Reinforcement in Concrete by Embedded Length and Concrete Strength (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
홍성남 연구교수(ICT 융합 시설물 통합관리 창의인재양성사업팀): 12건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 8건) 논문목록 펼치기
Analytical Study on the Shape of T-Type Girder Modular Bridge Connection by Using Parametric (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Analytical Study on the Shape of T-type Girder Modular Bridge Connection by Using Parameter (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Suggestion of Reasonable Analysis Model for T-Girder Modular Bridge (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
CO2 Emissions Quantification of the Modular Bridge Superstructure (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Study of Deflection at Junction in the Precast on Cyclic Loading (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Bond Strength between Concrete and AR-Glass Roving with Variables of Development Length (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Bond Strength between Concrete and AR-Glass Roving with Variables of Development Length (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Adhesion Performance According to Lateral Reinforcement Method of Textile (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Adhesion Performance According to Lateral Reinforcement Method of Textile (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Flexural Strength of Alkali Resistant Glass Textile Reinforced Concrete Beam with Prestressing (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Flexural Strength of Alkali Resistant Glass Textile Reinforced Concrete Beam with Prestressing (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Pullout Strength of Textile Reinforcement in Concrete by Embedded Length and Concrete Strength (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
최진웅 대학원생(건설환경공학부): 10건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 7건) 논문목록 펼치기
Experimental Study of Specific Cross Beam Types Appropriate for Modular Bridges (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Analytical Study on the Shape of T-Type Girder Modular Bridge Connection by Using Parametric (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Analytical Study on the Shape of T-type Girder Modular Bridge Connection by Using Parameter (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Suggestion of Reasonable Analysis Model for T-Girder Modular Bridge (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
CO2 Emissions Quantification of the Modular Bridge Superstructure (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Study of Deflection at Junction in the Precast on Cyclic Loading (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Bond Strength between Concrete and AR-Glass Roving with Variables of Development Length (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Bond Strength between Concrete and AR-Glass Roving with Variables of Development Length (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Strength of Fine Concrete Used in Textile Reinforced Concrete by Changing Water-Binder Ratio (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Strength of Fine Concrete Used in Textile Reinforced Concrete by Changing Water-Binder Ratio (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
연세대에서는 총 4명의 교수가 와셋에 10건 이상의 논문 또는 초록을 실었다. 김한성 원주캠퍼스 의공학부 교수 12건, 박효선 건축공학과 교수 11건, 같은 과 오병관 연구교수는 12건, 조형희 기계공학부 교수 12건으로 집계됐다.
김한성 교수(의공학부): 12건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 9건) 논문목록 펼치기
Suggestion of Ultrasonic System for Diagnosis of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders: Finite Difference Analysis, Development and Clinical Trials (2007) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Ultrasonic System for Diagnosis of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders: Development, Verification and Clinical Trials (2007) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Effect of Vibration Intervention on Leg-press Exercise (2008) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Investigation of the Tattooed Skin by OCT (2010) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Experimental Technique for Vibration Reduction of a Motor Pumpin Medical Device (2011) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Development of Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF) Peek Cage Based on the Korean Lumbar Anatomical Information (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Development of Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF) PEEK Cage Based On the Korean Lumbar Anatomical Information (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Evaluation of the Laser and Partial Vibration Stimulation on Osteoporosis (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Evaluation of the Laser and Partial Vibration Stimulation on Osteoporosis (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Alteration of Bone Strength in Osteoporosis of Mouse Femora: Computational Study Based on Micro CT Images (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Alteration of Bone Strength in Osteoporosis of Mouse Femora: Computational Study Based on Micro CT Images (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Comparison of the Effects of Rod Types of Rigid Fixation Devices on the Loads in the Lumbar Spine: A Finite Element Analysis (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
박효선 교수(건축공학과): 11건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 7건) 논문목록 펼치기
The Estimation Method of Stress Distribution for Beam Structures Using the Terrestrial Laser Scanning (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
The Estimation Method of Stress Distribution for Beam Structures Using the Terrestrial Laser Scanning (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Prediction Model for Dynamic Responses of Building from Earthquake Based on Evolutionary Learning (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Prediction Model for Dynamic Responses of Building from Earthquake Based on Evolutionary Learning (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
CO2 Emission and Cost Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Frame Designed by Performance Based Design Approach (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
CO2 Emission and Cost Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Frame Designed by Performance Based Design Approach (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Optimal Retrofit Design of Reinforced Concrete Frame with Infill Wall Using Fiber Reinforced Plastic Materials (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Optimal Retrofit Design of Reinforced Concrete Frame with Infill Wall Using Fiber Reinforced Plastic Materials (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Optimal Sensing Technique for Estimating Stress Distribution of 2-D Steel Frame Structure Using Genetic Algorithm (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Pseudo Modal Operating Deflection Shape Based Estimation Technique of Mode Shape Using Time History Modal Assurance Criterion (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
The Estimation Method of Inter-Story Drift for Buildings Based on Evolutionary Learning (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
오병관 연구교수(건축공학과): 12건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 7건) 논문목록 펼치기
Multi-Objective Optimization for Performance-based Seismic Retrofit using Connection Upgrade (2011) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Optimal Sensing Technique for Estimating Stress Distribution of 2-D Steel Frame Structure Using Genetic Algorithm (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
The Estimation Method of Stress Distribution for Beam Structures Using the Terrestrial Laser Scanning (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
The Estimation Method of Stress Distribution for Beam Structures Using the Terrestrial Laser Scanning (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Prediction Model for Dynamic Responses of Building from Earthquake Based on Evolutionary Learning (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Prediction Model for Dynamic Responses of Building from Earthquake Based on Evolutionary Learning (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
CO2 Emission and Cost Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Frame Designed by Performance Based Design Approach (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
CO2 Emission and Cost Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Frame Designed by Performance Based Design Approach (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Optimal Retrofit Design of Reinforced Concrete Frame with Infill Wall Using Fiber Reinforced Plastic Materials (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Optimal Retrofit Design of Reinforced Concrete Frame with Infill Wall Using Fiber Reinforced Plastic Materials (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
The Estimation Method of Inter-Story Drift for Buildings Based on Evolutionary Learning (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
조형희 교수(기계공학부): 12건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 8건) 논문목록 펼치기
Heat Transfer Characteristics on Blade Tip with Unsteady Wake (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Heat Transfer Characteristics on Blade Tip with Unsteady Wake (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
The Influence of Step and Fillet Shape on Nozzle Endwall Heat Transfer (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
The Influence of Step and Fillet Shape on Nozzle Endwall Heat Transfer (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Analysis of Thermal Damage Characteristics of High Pressure Turbine Blade According to Off-Design Operating Conditions (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Effect of the Cross-Sectional Geometry on Heat Transfer and Particle Motion of Circulating Fluidized Bed Riser for CO₂ Capture (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Numerical Simulation of Effect of Various Rib Configurations on Enhancing Heat Transfer of Matrix Cooling Channel (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Numerical Simulation of Effect of Various Rib Configurations on Enhancing Heat Transfer of Matrix Cooling Channel (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Thermal-Fluid Characteristics of Heating Element in Rotary Heat Exchanger in Accordance with Fouling Phenomena (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Thermal-Fluid Characteristics of Heating Element in Rotary Heat Exchanger in Accordance with Fouling Phenomena (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Enhanced Boiling Heat Transfer Using Wettability Patterned Surfaces (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Survivability of Maneuvering Aircraft against Air to Air Infrared Missile (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
강릉원주대에서는 총 6명의 교수들이 와셋에 10건 이상의 논문 또는 초록을 게재했다. 하태권 신소재금속공학과 교수는 55건, 같은 과 민석홍 교수는 19건을 실었다. 또 정우영 토목공학과 교수는 54건, 문정호 전자공학과 교수는 39건, 윤명곤 기계공학과 교수는 12건을 게재했다. 주부석 전 연구교수(현 경희대 사회기반시스템공학과 교수)는 14건이다.
하태권 교수(신소재금속공학과): 55건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 41건) 논문목록 펼치기
Fabrication of Single Crystal of Mg Alloys Containing Rare Earth Elements (2012) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Duplex Stainless steel for Anchor Bolt Application (2012) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Car Parking Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Networks (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Effect of Processing Methods on Texture Evolution in AZ31 Mg Alloy Sheet (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Fabrication of Al/Cu Clad Sheet by Shear Extrusion (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
High Temperature Deformation Behavior of Cr-containing Superplastic Iron Aluminide (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Hot Workability of High Strength Low Alloy Steels (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Mechanical Equation of State in an Al-Li Alloy (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Static Recrystallization Behavior of Mg Alloy Single Crystals (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Wireless Sensor Network Protocol for a Car Parking Space Monitoring System (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Wireless Sensor Network Protocol for a Car Parking Space Monitoring System (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Alloying Effect on Hot Workability of M42 High Speed Steel (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Alloying Effect on Hot Workability of M42 High Speed Steel (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Broadcasting Stabilization for Dynamical Multi-Agent Systems (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Broadcasting Stabilization for Dynamical Multi-Agent Systems (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Carbide Structure and Fracture Toughness of High Speed Tool Steels (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Carbide Structure and Fracture Toughness of High Speed Tool Steels (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Cladding of Al and Cu by Differential Speed Rolling (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Effect of Al Addition on Microstructure and Physical Properties of Fe-36Ni Invar Alloy (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Effect of Al Addition on Microstructure and Physical Properties of Fe-36Ni Invar Alloy (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Effect of Y Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Sn-Zn Eutectic Alloy (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Effect of Y Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Sn-Zn Eutectic Alloy (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Interface Analysis of Annealed Al/Cu Cladded Sheet (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Interface Analysis of Annealed Al/Cu Cladded Sheet (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Mechanical Properties of Die-Cast Nonflammable Mg Alloy (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Mechanical Properties of Die-Cast Nonflammable Mg Alloy (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Microstructure and Aging Behavior of Nonflammable AZ91D Mg Alloy (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Microstructure and High Temperature Deformation Behavior of Cast 310S Alloy (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Microstructure and High Temperature Deformation Behavior of Cast 310S Alloy (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Microstructure and Hot Deformation Behavior of Fe-20Cr-5Al Alloy (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Microstructure and Hot Deformation Behavior of Fe-20Cr-5Al Alloy (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Robust Stabilization against Unknown Consensus Network (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Robust Stabilization against Unknown Consensus Network (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Tensile Behavior of Spheroidizing Heat Treated High Carbon Steel (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Thermal Fatigue Behavior of Austenitic Stainless Steels (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Thermal Fatigue Behavior of Austenitic Stainless Steels (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Aging Effect on Mechanical Behavior of Duplex Stainless Steel (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Aging Effect on Mechanical Behavior of Duplex Satinless Steel (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Effect of Aging Treatment on Mechanical Properties of Non-Flammable AZ91D Mg Alloy (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Effect of Aging Treatment on Tensile Properties of AZ91D Mg Alloy (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Effect of Transition Metal Addition on Aging Behavior of Invar Alloy (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Phase Equilibria in Zn-Al-Sn Alloy for Lead-free Solder Application (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Strategy for Energy Industry and Oil Complex of Russia (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Effect of Impurities in the Chlorination Process of TiO2 (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Effect of Impurities in the Chlorination Process of TiO2 (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Energy Strategy and Economic Growth of Russia (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Fabricating Sheets of Mg-Zn Alloys by Thermomechanical Process (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Load Relaxation Behavior of Ferritic Stainless Steels (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Boron-Containing AZ91D Mg Alloys (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Zn Alloys (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Thermal Fatigue Behavior of 400 Series Ferritic Stainless Steels (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Chemical Stability of Ceramic Crucibles to Molten Titanium (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Continuous Synthesis of Nickel Nanoparticles by Hydrazine Reduction (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Corrosion Properties of Friction Welded Dissimilar Aluminum Alloys; Duralumin and AA6063 (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Thermodynamic Analysis of Hydrogen Plasma Reduction of TiCl₄ (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
정우영 교수(토목공학과): 54건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 32건) 논문목록 펼치기
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Duplex Stainless steel for Anchor Bolt Application (2012) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Performance Evaluation of the Post-Installed Anchor for Sign Structure (2012) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Dissipation of Higher Mode using Numerical Integration Algorithm in Dynamic Analysis (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Evaluation of Performance Requirements for Seismic Design of Piping System (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
High Temperature Deformation Behavior of Cr-containing Superplastic Iron Aluminide (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Hot Workability of High Strength Low Alloy Steels (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Seismic Excitation of Steel Frame Retrofitted by a Multi-Panel PMC Infill Wall (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Structural Safety Evaluation of Zip-Line Due to Dynamic Impact Load (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Evaluation of Structural Behavior of Wide Sleepers on Asphalt Trackbed Due to Embedded Shear Keys (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Evaluation of Structural Behavior of Wide Sleepers on Asphalt Trackbed Due to Embedded Shear Keys (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Piping Fragility Composed of Different Materials by Using OpenSees Software (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Piping Fragility Composed of Different Materials by Using OpenSees Software (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Prediction of Nonlinear Torsional Behavior of High Strength RC Beams (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Prediction of Nonlinear Torsional Behavior of High Strength RC Beams (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
The Flexural Improvement of RC Beams Using an Inserted Plate between Concrete and FRP Bonding Surface (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
The Flexural Improvement of RC Beams Using an Inserted Plate between Concrete and FRP Bonding Surface (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
The Flexural Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Cement Mortars Using UM Resin (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
The Flexural Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Cement Mortars Using UM Resin (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Buckling Resistance of GFRP Sandwich Infill Panels with Different Cores under Increased Temperatures (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Buckling Resistance of GFRP Sandwich Infill Panels with Different Cores under Increased Temperatures (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Design and Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Corrugated-GFRP Infill Panels (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Design and Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Corrugated-GFRP Infill Panels (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Lightweight Concrete Fracture Energy Derived by Inverse Analysis (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Comparison of Wind Fragility for Window System in the Simplified 10 and 15-Story Building Considering Exposure Category (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Comparison of Wind Fragility for Window System in the Simplified 10 and 15-Story Building Considering Exposure Category (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Damage Cost for Private Property by Extreme Wind over the past 10 Years in Korea (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Influence of Stacking Sequence and Temperature on Buckling Resistance of GFRP Infill Panel (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Influence of Stacking Sequence and Temperature on Buckling Resistance of GFRP Infill Panel (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Seismic Performance Evaluation of Bridge Structures Using 3D Finite Element Methods in South Korea (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Seismic Performance Evaluation of Bridge Structures Using 3D Finite Element Methods in South Korea (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Seismic Safety Evaluation of Weir Structures Using the Finite and Infinite Element Method (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Seismic Safety Evaluation of Weir Structures Using the Finite and Infinite Element Method (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Simplified Analysis on Steel Frame Infill with FRP Composite Panel (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Simplified Analysis on Steel Frame Infill with FRP Composite Panel (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Wind Fragility of Window Glass in 10-Story Apartment with Two Different Window Models (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Wind Fragility of Window Glass in 10-Story Apartment with Two Different Window Models (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Buckling Resistance of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer Infill Panel Subjected to Elevated Temperatures (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Buckling Resistance of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer Infill Panel Subjected to Elevated Temperatures (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Evaluation of Wind Fragility for Set Anchor Used in Sign Structure in Korea (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Evaluation of Wind Fragility for Set Anchor Used in Sign Structure in Korea (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Numerical Study for Compressive Strength of Basalt Composite Sandwich Infill Panel (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Numerical Study for Compressive Strength of Basalt Composite Sandwich Infill Panel (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Seismic Fragility for Sliding Failure of Weir Structure Considering the Process of Concrete Aging (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Seismic Fragility for Sliding Failure of Weir Structure Considering the Process of Concrete Aging (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Seismic Fragility of Weir Structure Considering Aging Degradation of Concrete Material (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Seismic Fragility of Weir Structure Considering Aging Degradation of Concrete Material (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Wind Fragility for Honeycomb Roof Cladding Panels Using Screw Pull-Out Capacity (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Wind Fragility for Honeycomb Roof Cladding Panels Using Screw Pull-Out Capacity (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Wind Fragility for Soundproof Wall with the Variation of Section Shape of Frame (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Wind Fragility for Soundproof Wall with the Variation of Section Shape of Frame (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Dynamics Analyses of Swing Structure Subject to Rotational Forces (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Dynamics Analyses of Swing Structure Subject to Rotational Forces (2018) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Fragility Analysis of Weir Structure Subjected to Flooding Water Damage (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Fragility Analysis of Weir Structure Subjected to Flooding Water Damage (2018) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
문정호 교수(전자공학과): 39건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 23건) 논문목록 펼치기
A Car Parking Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Networks (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Effect of Processing Methods on Texture Evolution in AZ31 Mg Alloy Sheet (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Exploiting Global Self Similarity for Head-Shoulder Detection (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Hot Workability of High Strength Low Alloy Steels (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Mechanical Equation of State in an Al-Li Alloy (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Wireless Sensor Network Protocol for a Car Parking Space Monitoring System (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Wireless Sensor Network Protocol for a Car Parking Space Monitoring System (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Alloying Effect on Hot Workability of M42 High Speed Steel (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Alloying Effect on Hot Workability of M42 High Speed Steel (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Broadcasting Stabilization for Dynamical Multi-Agent Systems (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Broadcasting Stabilization for Dynamical Multi-Agent Systems (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Carbide Structure and Fracture Toughness of High Speed Tool Steels (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Carbide Structure and Fracture Toughness of High Speed Tool Steels (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Cladding of Al and Cu by Differential Speed Rolling (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Effect of Y Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Sn-Zn Eutectic Alloy (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Effect of Y Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Sn-Zn Eutectic Alloy (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Mechanical Properties of Die-Cast Nonflammable Mg Alloy (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Mechanical Properties of Die-Cast Nonflammable Mg Alloy (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Microstructure and High Temperature Deformation Behavior of Cast 310S Alloy (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Microstructure and High Temperature Deformation Behavior of Cast 310S Alloy (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Microstructure and Hot Deformation Behavior of Fe-20Cr-5Al Alloy (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Microstructure and Hot Deformation Behavior of Fe-20Cr-5Al Alloy (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Robust Stabilization against Unknown Consensus Network (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Robust Stabilization against Unknown Consensus Network (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Thermal Fatigue Behavior of Austenitic Stainless Steels (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Thermal Fatigue Behavior of Austenitic Stainless Steels (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Aging Effect on Mechanical Behavior of Duplex Satinless Steel (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Development of a Serial Signal Monitoring Program for Educational Purposes (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Development of a Serial Signal Monitoring Program for Educational Purposes (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Segmentation of Korean Words on Korean Road Signs (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Segmentation of Korean Words on Korean Road Signs (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Car Parking Monitoring System Using a Line-Topology Wireless Sensor Network (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Car Parking Monitoring System Using a Line-Topology Wireless Sensor Network (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Transfer Function Representation of Thermo-Acoustic Dynamics for Combustors (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Transfer Function Representation of Thermo-Acoustic Dynamics for Combustors (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
An Implementation of a Configurable UART-to-Ethernet Converter (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
An Implementation of a Configurable UART-to-Ethernet Converter (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Design and Implementation a Virtualization Platform for Providing Smart Tourism Services (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Design and Implementation a Virtualization Platform for Providing Smart Tourism Services (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
민석홍 교수(신소재금속공학과): 19건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 17건) 논문목록 펼치기
High Temperature Deformation Behavior of Cr-containing Superplastic Iron Aluminide (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Hot Workability of High Strength Low Alloy Steels (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Effect of Al Addition on Microstructure and Physical Properties of Fe-36Ni Invar Alloy (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Effect of Al Addition on Microstructure and Physical Properties of Fe-36Ni Invar Alloy (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Microstructure and Aging Behavior of Nonflammable AZ91D Mg Alloy (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Tensile Behavior of Spheroidizing Heat Treated High Carbon Steel (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Effect of Aging Treatment on Mechanical Properties of Non-Flammable AZ91D Mg Alloy (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Effect of Aging Treatment on Tensile Properties of AZ91D Mg Alloy (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Phase Equilibria in Zn-Al-Sn Alloy for Lead-free Solder Application (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Effect of Impurities in the Chlorination Process of TiO2 (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Effect of Impurities in the Chlorination Process of TiO2 (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Fabricating Sheets of Mg-Zn Alloys by Thermomechanical Process (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Load Relaxation Behavior of Ferritic Stainless Steels (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Boron-Containing AZ91D Mg Alloys (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Thermal Fatigue Behavior of 400 Series Ferritic Stainless Steels (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Chemical Stability of Ceramic Crucibles to Molten Titanium (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Continuous Synthesis of Nickel Nanoparticles by Hydrazine Reduction (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Corrosion Properties of Friction Welded Dissimilar Aluminum Alloys; Duralumin and AA6063 (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Thermodynamic Analysis of Hydrogen Plasma Reduction of TiCl₄ (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
윤명곤 교수(기계공학과): 12건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 6건) 논문목록 펼치기
A Wireless Sensor Network Protocol for a Car Parking Space Monitoring System (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Wireless Sensor Network Protocol for a Car Parking Space Monitoring System (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Broadcasting Stabilization for Dynamical Multi-Agent Systems (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Broadcasting Stabilization for Dynamical Multi-Agent Systems (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Microstructure and High Temperature Deformation Behavior of Cast 310S Alloy (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Microstructure and High Temperature Deformation Behavior of Cast 310S Alloy (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Robust Stabilization against Unknown Consensus Network (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Robust Stabilization against Unknown Consensus Network (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Transfer Function Representation of Thermo-Acoustic Dynamics for Combustors (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Transfer Function Representation of Thermo-Acoustic Dynamics for Combustors (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
An Implementation of a Configurable UART-to-Ethernet Converter (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
An Implementation of a Configurable UART-to-Ethernet Converter (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
주부석 전 연구교수(현 경희대 사회기반시스템공학과 교수): 14건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 9건) 논문목록 펼치기
Performance Evaluation of the Post-Installed Anchor for Sign Structure (2012) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Evaluation of Performance Requirements for Seismic Design of Piping System (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Seismic Excitation of Steel Frame Retrofitted by a Multi-Panel PMC Infill Wall (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Structural Safety Evaluation of Zip-Line Due to Dynamic Impact Load (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Evaluation of Structural Behavior of Wide Sleepers on Asphalt Trackbed Due to Embedded Shear Keys (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Evaluation of Structural Behavior of Wide Sleepers on Asphalt Trackbed Due to Embedded Shear Keys (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Piping Fragility Composed of Different Materials by Using OpenSees Software (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Piping Fragility Composed of Different Materials by Using OpenSees Software (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
The Flexural Improvement of RC Beams Using an Inserted Plate between Concrete and FRP Bonding Surface (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
The Flexural Improvement of RC Beams Using an Inserted Plate between Concrete and FRP Bonding Surface (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Seismic Performance Evaluation of Bridge Structures Using 3D Finite Element Methods in South Korea (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Seismic Performance Evaluation of Bridge Structures Using 3D Finite Element Methods in South Korea (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Seismic Safety Evaluation of Weir Structures Using the Finite and Infinite Element Method (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Seismic Safety Evaluation of Weir Structures Using the Finite and Infinite Element Method (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
경북대에서는 박성배 컴퓨터학부 교수가 11건을 와셋에 투고했다. 김경석 경영학부 교수가 9건이고, 김필수 수학과 교수와 대학원생 부선영, 그리고 양정민 전자공학부 교수, 경영학부 정현달 대학원생이 각각 6건으로 집계됐다.
박성배 교수(컴퓨터학부): 11건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 7건) 논문목록 펼치기
Determining the Gender of Korean Names for Pronoun Generation (2007) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Resolving Dependency Ambiguity of Subordinate Clauses using Support Vector Machines (2007) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Target Concept Selection by Property Overlap in Ontology Population (2008) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Identification of Spam Keywords Using Hierarchical Category in C2C E-Commerce (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Identification of Spam Keywords Using Hierarchical Category in C2C E-commerce (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Sentence-to-Sentence Relation Network for Recognizing Textual Entailment (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Sentence-to-Sentence Relation Network for Recognizing Textual Entailment (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Improving Topic Quality of Scripts by Using Scene Similarity Based Word Co-Occurrence (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Improving Topic Quality of Scripts by Using Scene Similarity Based Word Co-Occurrence (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Online Topic Model for Broadcasting Contents Using Semantic Correlation Information (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Online Topic Model for Broadcasting Contents Using Semantic Correlation Information (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
김경석 교수(경영학부): 9건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 8건) 논문목록 펼치기
A Literature Review of Servant Leadership and Criticism of Advanced Research (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Literature Review of Servant Leadership and Criticism of Advanced Research (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Literature Review of Emotional Labor and Emotional Labor Strategies (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Literature Review of Emotional Labor and Non-Task Behavior (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Comparative Analysis of Strategies: Samsung vs. Xiaomi (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Corporate Social Responsibility Participation on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Different Job Characteristic Profiles (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Review and Suggestions of the Similarity between Employee and Its Workplace (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
The Significance of Organizational Failure Based on the Instance of Samsung Lions Case (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Various Perspectives for the Concept of the Emotion Labor (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
김필수 교수(수학과): 6건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 4건) 논문목록 펼치기
A Method for Improving the Embedded Runge Kutta Fehlberg 4(5) (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Method for Improving the Embedded Runge Kutta Fehlberg 4(5) (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
An Efficient Algorithm of Time Step Control for Error Correction Method (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
An Efficient Backward Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for Nonlinear Advection-Diffusion Equation (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
An Efficient Backward Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for Nonlinear Advection-Diffusion Equation (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Generalized Chebyshev Collocation Method (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
양정민 교수(전자공학부) : 6건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 4건) 논문목록 펼치기
On Control of Asynchronous Sequential Machines with Switching Capability (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Asynchronous Sequential Machines with Fault Detectors (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Asynchronous Sequential Machines with Fault Detectors (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Tolerating Input Faults in Asynchronous Sequential Machines (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
On Fault Diagnosis of Asynchronous Sequential Machines with Parallel Composition (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
On Fault Diagnosis of Asynchronous Sequential Machines with Parallel Composition (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
부선영 대학원생(수학과) : 6건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 4건) 논문목록 펼치기
A Method for Improving the Embedded Runge Kutta Fehlberg 4(5) (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Method for Improving the Embedded Runge Kutta Fehlberg 4(5) (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
An Efficient Algorithm of Time Step Control for Error Correction Method (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
An Efficient Backward Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for Nonlinear Advection-Diffusion Equation (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
An Efficient Backward Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for Nonlinear Advection-Diffusion Equation (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Generalized Chebyshev Collocation Method (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
정현달 대학원생(경영학부) : 6건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 4건) 논문목록 펼치기
The Effect of Diversity Sensitive Orientation on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
The Effect of Diversity Sensitive Orientation on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Positive Psychological Capital on Employees Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Tenure (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Positive Psychological Capital on Employees Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Tenure (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Team Workforce Diversity and Team Outcomes: A Meta-Analytic Review (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Ethical Leadership and Individual Creativity: The Mediating Role of Psychological Safety (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
전북대에서는 김만영 항공우주공항과 교수(산학협력부처장)가 와셋에 29건의 논문 또는 초록을 실었다. 이교우 기계설계공학부 교수는 21건이다. 송철규 전자공학부 교수는 9건을 게재했다.
김만영 교수(항공우주공학과): 29건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 23건) 논문목록 펼치기
Effect of Swirl on Gas-Fired Combustion Behavior in a 3-D Rectangular Combustion Chamber (2012) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Effect of Scale on Slab Heat Transfer in a Walking Beam Type Reheating Furnace (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Modeling Moisture and Density Behaviors of Wood in Biomass Torrefaction Environments (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Combustion and Emission Characteristics in a Can-Type Combustion Chamber (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Combustion and Emission Characteristics in a Can-type Combustion Chamber (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Investigation of the Flow Characteristics in a Catalytic Muffler with Perforated Inlet Cone (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Investigation of the Flow Characteristics in a Catalytic Muffler with Perforated Inlet Cone (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Numerical Investigation of the Evaporation and Mixing of UWS in a Diesel Exhaust Pipe (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Numerical Investigation of the Evaporation and Mixing of UWS in a Diesel Exhaust Pipe (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Numerical Study of Heat Release of the Symmetrically Arranged Extruded-Type Heat Sinks (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Numerical Study of Heat Release of the Symmetrically Arranged Extruded-Type Heat Sinks (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
On the Catalytic Combustion Behaviors of CH4 in a MCFC Power Generation System (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
On the Catalytic Combustion Behaviors of CH4 in a MCFC Power Generation System (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
On the Thermal Behavior of the Slab in a Reheating Furnace with Radiation (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
On the Thermal Behavior of the Slab in a Reheating Furnace with Radiation (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Numerical Study on the Flow in a Pipe with Perforated Plates (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Numerical Evaluation of the Flow Behavior inside the Scrubber Unit with Engine Exhaust Pipe (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Numerical Investigation of the Flow Characteristics inside the Scrubber Unit (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
On the Blocked-off Finite-Volume Radiation Solutions in a Two-Dimensional Enclosure (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Effect of Injector Installation Angle on the Thermal Behaviors of UWS in a Diesel SCR Catalytic Muffler Systems (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Investigation of Soot Regeneration Behavior in the DPF Cleaning Device (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Investigation of the Thermal Flow inside the Catalytic Combustor for Lean CH4-Air Mixture on a Platinum Catalyst with H2 Addition (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Numerical Analysis of Catalytic Combustion in a Tabular Reactor with Methane and Air Mixtures over Platinum Catalyst (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Effect of Swirling Mixer on the Exhaust Flow in a Diesel SCR Aftertreatment System (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Investigation of Flow Behavior inside the Single Channel Catalytic Combustor for Lean Mixture (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Numerical Investigation of Flow Characteristics inside the External Gear Pump Using Urea Liquid Medium (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Numerical Simulation of Urea Water Solution Evaporation Behavior inside the Diesel Selective Catalytic Reduction System (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Numerical Study on the Urea Melting and Induced Natural Convection in a Urea Sender Module (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Reaction Rate Behavior of a Methane-Air Mixture over a Platinum Catalyst in a Single Channel Catalytic Reactor (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
이교우 교수(기계설계공학부): 21건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 13건) 논문목록 펼치기
Phase Transition Characteristics of Flame-Synthesized Gamma-Al2O3 Nanoparticles with Heat Treatment (2013) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Effect of Flow Holes on Heat Release Performance of Extruded-Type Heat Sink (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Effect of Flow Holes on Heat Release Performance of Extruded-type Heat Sink (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Investigation of the Flow Characteristics in a Catalytic Muffler with Perforated Inlet Cone (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Investigation of the Flow Characteristics in a Catalytic Muffler with Perforated Inlet Cone (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Numerical Investigation of the Evaporation and Mixing of UWS in a Diesel Exhaust Pipe (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Numerical Investigation of the Evaporation and Mixing of UWS in a Diesel Exhaust Pipe (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Numerical Study of Heat Release of the Symmetrically Arranged Extruded-Type Heat Sinks (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Numerical Study of Heat Release of the Symmetrically Arranged Extruded-Type Heat Sinks (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
On the Thermal Behavior of the Slab in a Reheating Furnace with Radiation (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
On the Thermal Behavior of the Slab in a Reheating Furnace with Radiation (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Performance Evaluation of Extruded-type Heat sinks Used in Inverter for Solar Power Generation (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Thermal Expansion Coefficient and Young’s Modulus of Silica-Reinforced Epoxy Composite (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Thermal Expansion Coefficient and Young’s Modulus of Silica-Reinforced Epoxy Composite (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
On the Blocked-off Finite-Volume Radiation Solutions in a Two-Dimensional Enclosure (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Thermal Property of Multi-Walled-Carbon-Nanotube Reinforced Epoxy Composites (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Thermal Property of Multi-Walled-Carbon-Nanotube Reinforced Epoxy Composites (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Structural Design for Effective Load Balancing of the Iron Frame in Manhole Lid (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Thermal Property Improvement of Silica Reinforced Epoxy Composite Specimens (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Numerical Study of Effects of Air Dam on the Flow Field and Pressure Distribution of a Passenger Car (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Numerical Study of Effects of Air Dam on the Flow Field and Pressure Distribution of a Passenger Car (2017) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
송철규 교수(전자공학부): 9건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 6건) 논문목록 펼치기
Active Surface Tracking Algorithm for All-Fiber Common-Path Fourier-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Active Surface Tracking Algorithm for All-Fiber Common-Path Fourier-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Advanced Real-Time Fluorescence Imaging System for Rat's Femoral Vein Thrombosis Monitoring (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Blood Oxygen Saturation Measurement System Using Broad-Band Light Source with LabVIEW Program (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Comparison of Back-Projection with Non-Uniform Fast Fourier Transform for Real-Time Photoacoustic Tomography (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Comparison of Back-Projection with Non-Uniform Fast Fourier Transform for Real-Time Photoacoustic Tomography (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Image Enhancement Algorithm of Photoacoustic Tomography Using Active Contour Filtering (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Image Enhancement Algorithm of Photoacoustic Tomography Using Active Contour Filtering (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Improving the Optoacoustic Signal by Monitoring the Changes of Coupling Medium (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
한양대에서는 김진오 전기생체공학부 교수가 9건, 같은 학부 이주 교수가 13건, 홍현석 대학원생이 8건을 게재했다.
김진오 교수(전기생체공학부): 9건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 7건) 논문목록 펼치기
Evaluation of Optimal Transfer Capability in Power System Interconnection (2009) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
SFCL Location Selection Considering Reliability Indices (2010) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
ESS Control Strategy for Primary Frequency Response in Microgrid Considering Ramp Rate (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
ESS Control Strategy for Primary Frequency Response in Microgrid Considering Ramp Rate (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Scheduling Method for Electric Heater in HEMS considering User’s Comfort (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Scheduling Method for Electric Heater in HEMS Considering User’s Comfort (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Study for an Optimal Cable Connection within an Inner Grid of an Offshore Wind Farm (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Optimal Scheduling for Energy Storage System Considering Reliability Constraints (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Power Quality Modeling Using Recognition Learning Methods for Waveform Disturbances (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
이주 교수(전기생체공학부): 13건 논문목록 펼치기
Analytical Modeling of Equivalent Magnetic Circuit in Multi-segment and Multi-barrier Synchronous Reluctance Motor (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Core Loss Influence on MTPA Current Vector Variation of Synchronous Reluctance Machine (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Design of Torque Actuator in Hybrid Multi-DOF System with Taking into Account Magnetic Saturation (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
ELectromagnetic-Thermal Coupled Analysis of PMSM with Cooling Channel (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Optimal Rotor Design of an 150kW-Class IPMSM through the 3D Voltage-Inductance Map Analysis Method (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Study on the Effect of Rib Structure in Spoke-Type PMSM (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Study on the Pulse Transformer Design Considering Inrush Current in the Welding Machine (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Study on Traction Motor Design for Obtaining the Maximum Traction Force of Tram-Train (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
BLDC Motor Design Considering Core Loss Caused by Welding (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Design of Electromagnetic Field of PMSG for VTOL Series-Hybrid UAV (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Off-Line Parameter Estimation for the Induction Motor Drive System (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Robust Speed Sensorless Control to Estimated Error for PMa-SynRM (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Study on the Retaining Sleeve Structure for the Reduction of Eddy Current in SPMSM (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
홍현석 대학원생(전기생체공학부): 8건 논문목록 펼치기
Design of Torque Actuator in Hybrid Multi-DOF System with Taking into Account Magnetic Saturation (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Study on the Pulse Transformer Design Considering Inrush Current in the Welding Machine (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Study on Traction Motor Design for Obtaining the Maximum Traction Force of Tram-Train (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
BLDC Motor Design Considering Core Loss Caused by Welding (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Design of Electromagnetic Field of PMSG for VTOL Series-Hybrid UAV (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Off-Line Parameter Estimation for the Induction Motor Drive System (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Robust Speed Sensorless Control to Estimated Error for PMa-SynRM (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Study on the Retaining Sleeve Structure for the Reduction of Eddy Current in SPMSM (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
세종대에서는 총 1명의 교수와 3명의 대학원생이 와셋에 10건 이상의 논문 또는 초록을 실었다. 송형규 세종대 uT통신연구소 소장 (전자정보통신공학과 교수, 세종대 BK21플러스 미래IoT사업팀 연구책임자)는 47건을 게재한 것으로 나왔다. 송 교수의 제자이자 uT통신연구소 소속 대학원생 고영민은 13건을, 같은 연구실 대학원생 김용준은 12건, 유승준14건, 하창빈은 15건을 게재했다. 송 교수는 제자들의 논문과 초록에 모두 공저자로 올라가 있었다.
송형규 교수(전자정보통신공학과): 47건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 32건) 논문목록 펼치기
A Novel Design for Hybrid Space-Time Block Codes and Spatial Multiplexing Scheme (2011) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
An Adaptive Cooperative Scheme for Reliability of Transmission Using STBC and CDD in Wireless Communications (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
An Adaptive Cooperative Scheme for Reliability of Transmission Using STBC and CDD in Wireless Communications (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Cooperative CDD scheme Based on Adaptive Modulation in Wireless Communiation System (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Cooperative CDD Scheme Based On Adaptive Modulation in Wireless Communication System (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Efficient Iterative V-BLAST Detection Technique in Wireless Communication System (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Efficient Signal Detection Using QRD-M Based on Channel Condition in MIMO-OFDM System (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Efficient Single Relay Selection Scheme for Cooperative Communication (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Efficient Single Relay Selection Scheme for Cooperative Communication (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Performance Improvement of Cooperative Scheme in Wireless OFDM Systems (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Cooperative Transmission Scheme Using Two Sources Based on OFDM System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Cooperative Transmission Scheme Using Two Sources Based On OFDM System (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Adaptive Cooperative Scheme Considering the User Location (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Advanced CoMP Scheme for LTE-based V2X System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
An Improved Cooperative Communication Scheme for IoT System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
An Improved Cooperative Communication Scheme for IoT System (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Cooperative CDD Scheme Based On Hierarchical Modulation in OFDM System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Cooperative CDD Scheme Based on Hierarchical Modulation in OFDM System (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Cooperative Diversity Scheme Based on MIMO-OFDM in Small Cell Network (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Coordinated Multi-Point Scheme Based on Channel State Information in MIMO-OFDM System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Coordinated Multi-Point Scheme Based On Channel State Information in MIMO-OFDM System (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Efficient Relay Selection Scheme Utilizing OVSF Code in Cooperative Communication System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Efficient Variable Modulation Scheme Based on Codebook in the MIMO-OFDM System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Efficient Variable Modulation Scheme Based on Codebook in the MIMO-OFDM System (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Hybrid MIMO-OFDM Detection Scheme for High Performance (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Hybrid MIMO-OFDM Detection Scheme for High Performance (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Improved Cooperative Communication Scheme in the Edge of Cell Coverage (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Improved Performance of Cooperative Scheme in the Cellular and Broadcasting System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Improved Performance of Cooperative Scheme in the Cellular and Broadcasting System (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Improved Performance Scheme for Joint Transmission in Downlink Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Improved Performance Scheme for Joint Transmission in Downlink Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Improved Wi-Fi Backscatter System for Multi-to-Multi Communication (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Improved Wi-Fi Backscatter System for Multi-to-Multi Communication (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Inter-Cell-Interference Mitigation Scheme in Wireless Communication System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Adaptive Transmission Scheme Based on Channel State in Dual-Hop System (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Adaptive Transmission Scheme Based on Channel State in Dual-Hop System (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
An Efficient Strategy for Relay Selection in Multi-Hop Communication (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
An Improved Transmission Scheme in Cooperative Communication System (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
An Improved Transmission Scheme in Cooperative Communication System (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Cooperative AF Scheme for Multi Source and Terminal in Edge of Cell Coverage (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Cooperative Scheme Using Adjacent Base Stations in Wireless Communication (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Cooperative Scheme Using Adjacent Base Stations in Wireless Communication (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Improved Performance Using Adaptive Pre-Coding in the Cellular Network (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Reduced Complexity of ML Detection Combined with DFE (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Signaling Using Phase Shifting in Wi-Fi Backscatter System (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
The Batteryless Wi-Fi Backscatter System and Method for Improving the Transmission Range (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Variable Tree Structure QR Decomposition-M Algorithm (QRD-M) in Multiple Input Multiple Output-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) Systems (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
하창빈 대학원생(정보통신공학과): 15건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 10건) 논문목록 펼치기
Cooperative Diversity Scheme Based on MIMO-OFDM in Small Cell Network (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Coordinated Multi-Point Scheme Based on Channel State Information in MIMO-OFDM System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Coordinated Multi-Point Scheme Based On Channel State Information in MIMO-OFDM System (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Efficient Variable Modulation Scheme Based on Codebook in the MIMO-OFDM System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Efficient Variable Modulation Scheme Based on Codebook in the MIMO-OFDM System (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Hybrid MIMO-OFDM Detection Scheme for High Performance (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Hybrid MIMO-OFDM Detection Scheme for High Performance (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Improved Wi-Fi Backscatter System for Multi-to-Multi Communication (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Improved Wi-Fi Backscatter System for Multi-to-Multi Communication (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Cooperative AF Scheme for Multi Source and Terminal in Edge of Cell Coverage (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Cooperative Scheme Using Adjacent Base Stations in Wireless Communication (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Cooperative Scheme Using Adjacent Base Stations in Wireless Communication (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Improved Performance Using Adaptive Pre-Coding in the Cellular Network (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Reduced Complexity of ML Detection Combined with DFE (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Signaling Using Phase Shifting in Wi-Fi Backscatter System (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
유승준 대학원생(정보통신공학과): 14건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 9건) 논문목록 펼치기
A Novel Design for Hybrid Space-Time Block Codes and Spatial Multiplexing Scheme (2011) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Cooperative CDD scheme Based on Adaptive Modulation in Wireless Communiation System (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Cooperative CDD Scheme Based On Adaptive Modulation in Wireless Communication System (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Performance Improvement of Cooperative Scheme in Wireless OFDM Systems (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Cooperative CDD Scheme Based On Hierarchical Modulation in OFDM System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Cooperative CDD Scheme Based on Hierarchical Modulation in OFDM System (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Adaptive Transmission Scheme Based on Channel State in Dual-Hop System (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Adaptive Transmission Scheme Based on Channel State in Dual-Hop System (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
An Efficient Strategy for Relay Selection in Multi-Hop Communication (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
An Improved Transmission Scheme in Cooperative Communication System (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
An Improved Transmission Scheme in Cooperative Communication System (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Cooperative Scheme Using Adjacent Base Stations in Wireless Communication (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Cooperative Scheme Using Adjacent Base Stations in Wireless Communication (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
The Batteryless Wi-Fi Backscatter System and Method for Improving the Transmission Range (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
고영민 대학원생(정보통신공학과): 13건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 9건) 논문목록 펼치기
Cooperative CDD Scheme Based On Hierarchical Modulation in OFDM System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Cooperative CDD Scheme Based on Hierarchical Modulation in OFDM System (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Cooperative Diversity Scheme Based on MIMO-OFDM in Small Cell Network (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Efficient Relay Selection Scheme Utilizing OVSF Code in Cooperative Communication System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Hybrid MIMO-OFDM Detection Scheme for High Performance (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Hybrid MIMO-OFDM Detection Scheme for High Performance (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
An Efficient Strategy for Relay Selection in Multi-Hop Communication (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
An Improved Transmission Scheme in Cooperative Communication System (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
An Improved Transmission Scheme in Cooperative Communication System (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Cooperative Scheme Using Adjacent Base Stations in Wireless Communication (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Cooperative Scheme Using Adjacent Base Stations in Wireless Communication (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Signaling Using Phase Shifting in Wi-Fi Backscatter System (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
The Batteryless Wi-Fi Backscatter System and Method for Improving the Transmission Range (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
김용준 대학원생(정보통신공학과): 12건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 8건) 논문목록 펼치기
Advanced CoMP Scheme for LTE-based V2X System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Efficient Variable Modulation Scheme Based on Codebook in the MIMO-OFDM System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Efficient Variable Modulation Scheme Based on Codebook in the MIMO-OFDM System (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Improved Performance of Cooperative Scheme in the Cellular and Broadcasting System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Improved Performance of Cooperative Scheme in the Cellular and Broadcasting System (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Improved Wi-Fi Backscatter System for Multi-to-Multi Communication (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Improved Wi-Fi Backscatter System for Multi-to-Multi Communication (2015) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Inter-Cell-Interference Mitigation Scheme in Wireless Communication System (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Adaptive Transmission Scheme Based on Channel State in Dual-Hop System (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Adaptive Transmission Scheme Based on Channel State in Dual-Hop System (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Improved Performance Using Adaptive Pre-Coding in the Cellular Network (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Reduced Complexity of ML Detection Combined with DFE (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
부산대에서는 류광렬 정보컴퓨터공학부 교수가 와셋에 총 11건의 논문이나 초록을 게재했고, 그의 제자인 김정민 대학원생이 8건을 게재했다. 의공학과의 노정훈 교수와 같은 과 전아영 대학원생, 그리고 임희창 기계공학부 교수가 각각 4건을 와셋에 실었다.
류광렬 교수(정보컴퓨터공학부): 11건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 8건) 논문목록 펼치기
Activity Recognition by Smartphone Accelerometer Data Using Ensemble Learning Methods (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Iterative Replanning of Diesel Generator and Energy Storage System for Stable Operation of an Isolated Microgrid (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Learning a Bayesian Network for Situation-Aware Smart Home Service: A Case Study with a Robot Vacuum Cleaner (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Battery Replacement Strategy for Electric AGVs in an Automated Container Terminal (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Comparison of Different k-NN Models for Speed Prediction in an Urban Traffic Network (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Comparison of Different k-NN Models for Speed Prediction in an Urban Traffic Network (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Learning Predictive Models for Efficient Energy Management of Exhibition Hall (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Performance Comparison of Situation-Aware Models for Activating Robot Vacuum Cleaner in a Smart Home (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Performance Comparison of Situation-Aware Models for Activating Robot Vacuum Cleaner in a Smart Home (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Prediction-Based Midterm Operation Planning for Energy Management of Exhibition Hall (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Prediction-Based Midterm Operation Planning for Energy Management of Exhibition Hall (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
김정민 대학원생(정보컴퓨터공학부): 8건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 5건) 논문목록 펼치기
Learning a Bayesian Network for Situation-Aware Smart Home Service: A Case Study with a Robot Vacuum Cleaner (2015) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Comparison of Different k-NN Models for Speed Prediction in an Urban Traffic Network (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Comparison of Different k-NN Models for Speed Prediction in an Urban Traffic Network (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Learning Predictive Models for Efficient Energy Management of Exhibition Hall (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Performance Comparison of Situation-Aware Models for Activating Robot Vacuum Cleaner in a Smart Home (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Performance Comparison of Situation-Aware Models for Activating Robot Vacuum Cleaner in a Smart Home (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Prediction-Based Midterm Operation Planning for Energy Management of Exhibition Hall (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Prediction-Based Midterm Operation Planning for Energy Management of Exhibition Hall (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
전아영 대학원생(의공학과): 4 건 논문목록 펼치기
A Simulation for Estimation of the Blood Pressure using Arterial Pressure-volume Model (2007) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Development of Indwelling Wireless pH Telemetry of Intraoral Acidity (2007) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Implementation of the Personal Emergency Response System (2007) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Development of the Algorithm for Detecting Falls during Daily Activity using 2 Tri-Axial Accelerometers (2012) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
임희창 교수(기계공학부): 4건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 2건) 논문목록 펼치기
Power Performance Improvement of 500W Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Salient Design Parameters (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Power Performance Improvement of 500W Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Salient Design Parameters (2016) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Flow Characteristics around Rectangular Obstacles with the Varying Direction of Obstacles (2018) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Flow Characteristics around Rectangular Obstacles with the Varying Direction of Obstacles (2018) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
노정훈 교수(의공학과): 4건 논문목록 펼치기
A Simulation for Estimation of the Blood Pressure using Arterial Pressure-volume Model (2007) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Development of Indwelling Wireless pH Telemetry of Intraoral Acidity (2007) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Implementation of the Personal Emergency Response System (2007) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Development of the Algorithm for Detecting Falls during Daily Activity using 2 Tri-Axial Accelerometers (2012) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
고려대에서는 안춘기 전기전자공학부 교수가 6건, 나성수 기계공학부 교수와 산업경영공학부 소속 유영지 대학원생이 각각 5건의 논문 혹은 초록을 와셋에 게재했다.
안춘기 교수(전기전자공학부): 6건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 5건) 논문목록 펼치기
2D and 3D Finite Element Method Packages of CEMTool for Engineering PDE Problems (2007) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Function Approximation with Radial Basis Function Neural Networks via FIR Filter (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Function Approximation with Radial Basis Function Neural Networks via FIR Filter (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Different Approach to Optimize Fuzzy Membership Functions with Extended FIR Filter (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Home Legacy Device Output Estimation Using Temperature and Humidity Information by Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Indoor Temperature Estimation with FIR Filter Using R-C Network Model (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
나성수 교수(기계공학부): 5건 논문목록 펼치기
Tail-Binding Effect of Kinesin-1 Auto Inhibition Using Elastic Network Model (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Detection of Nanotoxic Material Using DNA Based QCM (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Ultra-Sensitive and Real Time Detection of ZnO NW Using QCM (2016) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Sensing Mechanism of Nano-Toxic Ions Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Sensing of Cancer DNA Using Resonance Frequency (2017) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
유영지 대학원생(산업경영공학부) : 5건(같은 제목의 발표용 초록과 게재 논문을 한 건으로 처리할 경우 3건) 논문목록 펼치기
Clustering Mixed Data Using Non-normal Regression Tree for Process Monitoring (2012) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
A Spatial Point Pattern Analysis to Recognize Fail Bit Patterns in Semiconductor Manufacturing (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
A Spatial Point Pattern Analysis to Recognize Fail Bit Patterns in Semiconductor Manufacturing (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
Pattern Recognition Using Feature Based Die-Map Clustering in the Semiconductor Manufacturing Process (2014) : 발표용 초록 | 링크 |
Pattern Recognition Using Feature Based Die-Map Clusteringin the Semiconductor Manufacturing Process (2014) : 게재 논문 | 링크 |
와셋은 매주 한 두차례 세계 주요 관광 도시에서 학술대회를 개최한다. 한국 학자들은 일본과 유럽, 동남아시아 지역 주요 도시에서 열린 와셋 학술대회에 가장 많이 참여한 것으로 나타났다. 2007년부터 지난 6월까지의 데이터를 분석한 결과, 한국 학자들은 일본에서 개최된 와셋 학술대회에 발표용 초록(abstract) 154건을 제출한 것으로 나타났다. 이어 프랑스와 영국에 각각 140건과 123건의 초록을 냈고, 태국, 싱가포르에서 열린 학술대회도 100건 이상의 초록을 제출한 것으로 나타났다.
취재: 김용진, 최윤원, 신우열, 김지윤, 임보영
촬영: 김남범, 오준식
편집: 윤석민
CG: 정동우
위 논문 등에 공저자로 이름을 올린 노정훈 교수는 와셋 학술대회에는 학생들이 갔을 뿐 자신은 참석한 사실이 없고, 그 학회와 관련해 자신의 연구비를 일체 사용한 적이 없으며, 논문 게재 과정에서도 학생들이 쓴 논문에 자신의 이름이 공저자로 올랐을 뿐 자신은 와셋에 논문 게재를 허락한 적이 없다고 뉴스타파에 밝혀왔습니다. |
2014년 08월 19일 23시 55분
2014년 08월 26일 23시 54분
2018년 07월 19일 20시 11분
2018년 07월 20일 21시 02분