<론스타, 기록과 증언> ② '윤석열의 론스타 수사'가 부실 수사인 이유
2022년 10월 19일 13시 10분
First, Mr. Lee urges that the lengthy passage of time from the inception of the Korean investigation of Mr. Lee in or about 2005 to the present – a period of approximately seventeen years – constitutes a special circumstance justifying release.
Second, Mr. Lee claims that the “substantial likelihood” that he will defeat extradition on the merits further qualifies as a special circumstance supporting his release.
Finally, Mr. Lee suggests that the “apparent political basis” of prosecution against him, coupled with the fact that he has made restitution to the victim of his alleged crime, will likely ultimately result in his not being extradited, and he urges that this constitutes yet another special circumstance militating in favor of his release.스티븐 리의 보석 결정 판결문 중 스티븐 리가 주장한 ‘세가지 특별한 상황’ 원문
The Court also notes that Mr. Lee’s argument regarding his likelihood of success defending against extradition further bolsters his special circumstances claim.스티븐 리의 보석 결정 판결문 중 범죄인 인도 무산 성공 가능성 언급 원문
The Court has no intention at his point of pre-judging this merits issue, but it cannot deny that the actions of the Italian authorities raise far more than a metaphysical doubt as to the inevitability of Mr. Lee’s extradition to Korea in this matter.스티븐 리의 보석 결정 판결문 중 이탈리아 법원 결정 참고 이유 원문
취재 | 이명주 |
웹디자인 | 이도현 |
출판 | 허현재 |
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